close up photo of the entrance to MartindaleHall

Flinders Uni: Archaeology & Community Heritage Week

We want to hear your stories about the Hall, its inhabitants and the people who kept it running.

Bring your memories, objects, stories and photographs!

  • When: 7th – 10th November, 2023
  • Time: 10:00 – 16:00
Details photo of martindale halls roof
Photo: Tyson M.

Martindale Hall Archaeology & Community Heritage Week offers an exciting opportunity to be involved in the history and heritage of the magnificent Martindale Hall at Mintaro, South Australia.

Come and meet the archaeologists and historians working to record the places, landscapes, objects and stories associated with this important heritage site. We are particularly interested in objects that have come from the Hall, or that tell a story about the Hall and its people.

Martindale Hall is a Georgian mansion in Mintaro, South Australia. Built on Ngadjuri lands in 1879-80 by the wealthy pastoral Bowman family, it was later purchased by the Mortlock family. The contents of Martindale Hall can be used to tell local and regional histories that are part of larger world histories, linking the local to the global.

The Martindale Hall Archaeology & Community Heritage Week builds on a successful ARC project ‘’Slow’ digitisation, community heritage and the objects of Martindale Hall’.

The Events

Oral Histories and Community Objects, Martindale Hall Coach House

Tuesday 7th – Friday 10th November, 10am – 4pm.

We invite all interested locals and members of the wider community who have memories of Martindale (including of family members who worked or visited there), to share their memories, stories, reflections on the Hall and its surrounds.

Students and the project team will be available to meet and discuss the project with you, show you what we’ve done already and talk about what we would like to do in the future. You don’t have to know anything about the Hall in order to visit and learn more. If you have memories, objects, stories or photographs connected with the Hall, then please bring them along.

We would love to know about:

  • Your relationship with Martindale Hall
  • Your memories or stories of the Hall
  • Stories related to objects currently held in the Hall (or that are now held in other places outside the Hall)
  • Why the place and its objects are important to you

Public Talk and Short Films from the Archive

Wednesday 8th, 6pm at the Mintaro Institute, Burra St, Mintaro

Hear the project team talk about the new multi-disciplinary research work they are doing at Martindale Hall. We will cover topics such as history, archaeology, humanities, and digitisation and community engagement.

Short films from the archive! See excerpts from a range of short firms made by John (Jack) Morlock during his travels to India, Sri Lanka and New Zealand in the 1930s and ‘40s, unearthed by our team from the National Library of Australia.

These have not been viewed by the public for over 80 years.

Community Morning Tea & Book Launch

Friday 10th November, 11am at Martindale Hall

Come and find out what’s happened during the week, and have a cup of tea on us.

The brand new book “Martindale Hall: A True South Australian Treasure”, by Brian Morris, will be launched at this event.

*All of these events are free.

NOTE: There is a separate entrance fee if you wish to enter Martindale Hall


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